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Cleopatra (Egyptian Boat) Сборная деревянная модель для детей 6+ (Artesania Latina 30507 Junior Collection Wooden Kit)

2-5 дней
Артикул: AL30507
1 034 грн
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Artesania Latina 30507 Cleopatra (Egyptian Boat) Junior Collection Wooden Kit. Сборная деревянная модель для детей "Египетский корабль".

Простая и интересная сборная деревянная модель для детей. В наборе более 60 деталей (уже вырезанных лазером), готовые разрисованные паруса, наклейки, клей для дерева, необходимые акриловые краски, кисть. Процес сборки сопровождается детальной красочной инструкцией.

Within the series of Boats of History, you will find the model as wooden boat kit "Cleopatra".
The perfect gift to bring creativity and ingenuity back of the youngest children of your home.
Recommended for +6 years old children.

Enjoy this new series of "Boats of History" for +6 years old children. The models present an easy and pleasant building that suppose a different and healthy activity during its assembly and they may be the beginning of a passion for the hobby of modeling.

Share and enjoy with the youngest children building this series of boats that marked the history. Collect them!
The structure of the model is plywood board made by high precision laser cut, with a fit in system extremely simple and effective.
The kit includes all needed to complete the toy: cut and sewn sails, cotton thread, instructions on DVD, glue, paints, brush and stickers.

Build, decorate and enjoy the Cleopatra, classic Egyptian ship. It is constituted of 66 pieces and after finish it, it has 258 mm long.

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