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Журнал "FlyPast" 9/2017 September. Britain's Top-Selling Aviation Monthly Magazine (на английском языке)

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Журнал "FlyPast" 9/2017 September. Britain's Top-Selling Aviation Monthly Magazine (на английском языке).

Former Lightning pilot Ian Black reflects on the career of aviation entrepreneur and jet devotee Mike Beachy Head.

Fighting back
The Polish Air Force crews put up dogged opposition when their country was invaded by Germany. Robert Gretzyngier describes their gallantry.

Memorial Flight Lancaster
Sqn Ldr Clive Rowley tells the story behind the choice of colours worn by the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight’s Avro Lancaster.

Valour over the Pacific
Thomas Cleaver profiles US airman Hamilton ‘Mac’ McWhorter who became the first Grumman Hellcat ace.

Last to fall
The ‘honour’ of dropping the last bombs on Berlin went to a 105 Squadron Mosquito crew, and not to 109 Squadron as first thought. Richard Stowers explains.

Darren Harbar goes air-to-air with Noorduyn Norseman 44-70515, the only flying survivor of the type in Europe.

Combat Lancer
The F-111 had a disastrous operational debut in Vietnam. Warren E Thompson describes the revolutionary jet’s baptism by fire.

Berlin Express
FlyPast examines North American P-51B Mustang ‘Berlin Express’ which recently flew to Britain from the US.

Cold War Warriors

Avro Vulcan B.2 XL426 has a new home at London Southend Airport. Steve Beebee spoke to its owners.

Dr John Clearwater reveals what happened to a B-36 Peacemaker that went missing in 1950 while carrying an atomic bomb.

Andrew Brookes describes how, in less than an hour, the RAF lost a pilot and six Hawker Hunter jets.

Johnny Squier survived ejecting from a Lightning at Mach 1.7 and 40,000ft. Ken Ellis tells his story.

Squadron Leader Mike Beer tells FlyPast what life was like as an Air Electronics Officer on the Handley Page Victor.

Flypast Spotlight: Hawker Sea Fury

Origin and History
We recount the naval fighter’s history.

Sea Fury In Combat
By the early 1950s, the Sea Fury should have been outclassed – but, as Andy Thomas explains, it excelled in action over Korea.

Sea Fury in Profile
Andy Hay artwork of a fighter that shot down a MiG-15.

Men Behind the Hawker
Graham Pitchfork profiles three Sea Fury pilots, including one who managed two very different ‘tours’ on the type.


A report and pictures from Duxford’s spectacular Flying Legends Air Show.

Glory Days
A portfolio of rarely seen images showing Gloster Javelin jets in service with 46 Squadron in 1956.

From The Workshop
Darren Harbar visits Hawker Restorations at its new base and describes a trio of exciting Hurricane projects.

A forgotten base in East Yorkshire is being commemorated by local residents. Chris Gilson went along to the site at Carnaby.

North American Mustangs.

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