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Книга "Machines of War: The Definitive Visual History of Military Hardware" (на английском языке)

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Книга "Machines of War: The Definitive Visual History of Military Hardware"

  • Издательство: DK Dorling Kindersley
  • Год издания: 2017
  • Количество страниц: 360 с иллюстрациями
  • Переплет: твердый
  • Формат: 260х310 мм
  • Язык: английский 

About Machines of War

From ancient flint hand daggers to the futuristic M1A2 tanks of today, flip through a series of stunning visuals to discover the weapons and vehicles that have shaped the military world.

With rich illustrations, striking photography, and inputs from experts, Machines of War presents the story of all forms of weaponry that have dominated the battlefield, right from the pre-industrial age to the 21st century. Get a close-up look at firearms, aircraft, tanks, warships, and learn about the invention, evolution, and progression of arms and armaments through the ages.

Presenting weapons and vehicles in innovative detail, this one-of-a-kind reference book offers a unique perspective on military developments in the Industrial era, World War I, World War II, the Cold War, and the modern world. Readers will uncover intriguing aspects of the Gatling gun, the Spitfire fighter plane, the T-72 Tank and many more with virtual tours.

Whether you're a history lover or a science buff, Machines of War is guaranteed to enthral you by putting you at the helm of war's most formidable weapons.

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