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Комплект книг "American Fire Apparatus: Vol.1 Pumpers + Vol.2 Aerial Equipment" Wayne Mutza

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Комплект книг "American Fire Apparatus: Vol.1 Pumpers + Vol.2 Aerial Equipment" Wayne Mutza

  • Издательство: Squadron Signal
  • Автор: Wayne Mutza
  • Год издания: 2009-2011
  • Количество страниц: 192 с иллюстрациями
  • Переплет: мягкий
  • Формат: 115х280 мм
  • Язык: английский

Organized companies of firefighters first appeared in Colonial America and were mobilized, like local militias, on a volunteer basis. Like military equipment, firefighting apparatus evolved in tandem with technological advances. This volume traces the development of the chief and best-known fire-fighting apparatus, the pumper or fire engine, from hand-drawn pumps, through horse-drawn vehicles in the 19th Century to the advanced fire trucks of the 21st Century. Chapters introduce the early years of the pumper, follow its motorization, and then, decade-by-decade, meticulously review the evolution of the fire truck from the 1930s until today.

As the urban skyline rose and horsepower gave way to motorization, the need increased for better ladders and other aerial equipment to fight fires in tall buildings. Ladders grew longer and the trucks that carried them evolved. Improved aerial ladders were fixed to truck beds and new methods were devised to deliver water and firefighters to those building heights. The hundreds of unique and dramatic photos that pack this volume feature fire trucks equipped with a wide spectrum of devices evolved over more than a century, including aerial ladders, elevating platforms, aerial ladder platforms, and water towers. The book illustrates the evolution of the styles and function of the vital “hook-and-ladder trucks” that are an integral part of fire departments throughout the US.

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