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Space Marine Primaris Intercessors, Easy To Build (Games Workshop 99120101182) Космодесант: Интерцессоры Примарис, сборка без клея

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Easy To Build: Space Marine Primaris Intercessors (Games Workshop 99120101182) Космодесант: Интерцессоры Примарис, легкая сборка без клея.

Многофункциональные, стойкие и готовые ко всему, отряды Интерцессоров формируют мощное ядрро любого отряда космического десанта. Они хорошо сражаются как с тактическими десантниками, так и в связке с любым другим родом войск.

A strong core of reliable and adaptable warriors that can lay down fire while advancing or holding down terrain is an invaluable aid to any tactician. In the case of strike forces bolstered by Primaris battle-brothers, this role is fulfilled by the Intercessor Squads.

Designed to be as easy as possible to assemble for new hobbyists while being detailed enough for the hardiest veteran to appreciate, this is a set of 3 Easy To Build Primaris Intercessors. Push-fit, with no glue required, these are incredibly straightforward to put together, and come on pre-coloured blue plastic sprues.

In this kit, you’ll find 2 Primaris Intercessors and 1 Primaris Intercessor Sergeant clad in Mk X power armour. Each is armed with a bolt rifle and carries frag and krak grenades, with one holding an auspex with a detailed keypad and display. The Sergeant has is identifiable by his detached helmet, which hangs mag-locked to his belt, and features extra details such as a reliquary and holstered pistol.

This plastic kit comes as 18 components, and is supplied with a transfer sheet and 3 32mm Round slotted bases. Rules for these miniatures are included in the box.

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