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Modern War magazine #34 March-April 2018 (ENG) Military History in the Making

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Modern War magazine #34 March-April 2018 (ENG) Military History in the Making.

Очень и очень интересный выпуск. В номере статьи об русско-украинском конфликте, про ВМФ Израиля, действия командования стратегической авиации во время войны во Вьетнаме, а также о развити ВМФ Китая с 1970-ых годов.

China's Global Naval Strategy: Since the late 1970s, Chinese leadership has adopted an approach to further expand its economic and military strength in Asia and around the globe. The modernization of its navy is one essential aspect of this strategy.

Other Articles:

  • Latakia - Naval Innovation Vindicated: The reputation of Israel’s navy has generally run behind the army and air force. In the dark days of October 1973, Israeli sailors played an important role in protecting Israel.
  • Strategic Air Command in the Vietnam War: During the Vietnam War, Strategic Air Command was tasked with a conventional bombing role against North Vietnam and the communist insurgency in Southeast Asia.
  • Opaque War - The Russo-Ukrainian Conflict: In March 2014 Russia annexed the Crimean Peninsula. The annexation was followed with a conflict erupting in the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine between Ukrainian forces and Russian-supported Rebels.
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