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Privateer Press Books and Magazines - No Quarter Magazine Issue # 9 (96 color pages) - PRIV-PIP NQ09

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Журнал "No Quarter" - это Ваш источник событий во вселенных Warmachine, Hordes, Iron Kingdoms Full Metal Fantasy Roleplaying Game, а также путеводитель по играм и продуктам Privateer Press. Каждый выпуск содержит анонсы предстоящих продуктов, материалы по розписи и постройке от нашей титулованной студии, выиграшные тактики, руководства по армиям, эксклюзивный контент Iron Kingdoms RPG, советы начинающим и экспертам и многое другое! Выходит раз в два месяца, полностью цветной журнал.

Содержание номера:

No Quarter Magazine Issue No. 9

Your guide on how to Play Like You've Got A Pair.

New Rules for Themed Armies
Now you can construct themed armies based on the fighting forces described in WARMACHINE: Superiority. New rules cards insert included for these tournament ready armies.

New Rules for Winter Terrain
Two-player HORDES Winter Campaign

It's the season of giving. So give out a beat down in this winter-time war for any two HORDES armies. Experience the harshness of new, chilling winter-terrain rules.

Gen Con Indy Contest Winners!
Grand Master Painting Competition

This fall we hosted the first U.S. Grand Master painting competition at Gen Con Indy. The entires blew our minds. See all the winning entries and many honorable mentions in this issue.

New Ranged-combat Feats
Feats for Pistol Packin' Adventurers

Only newbs bring a vorpal blade to a gun fight! Deadly new feats for gun-slingers with alternate uses for the Craft (Small Arms) skill that will have your characters lock-and-loaded for their next shootout.

Formula P3 Paints
Paint the Town with Forumla P3

Mike McVey gives us the low down on the new paint line from Privateer Press. Get the very best out of your faction's true colors. Includes a handy chart for selecting shade and highlight colors for us mere mortal painters.

It's Action Packed!

And A Lot More...
Stuffed to the hilt, this issue includes interviews from the first-ever HARDCORE tournament, a new WARMACHINE
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